The LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory is launching its first external blogger series!
“Traversing Temporalities: Making Meaning of Queer and Trans* Oral Histories,” edited by Elio Colavito, is seeking 750-word contributions for a bi-weekly blog series.
Oral histories serve as a site for narrators and researchers to make meaning of the past, focusing on who and what speaks with, to, and through the historian. As a methodology, oral history serves as a confrontation of different partialities, and some of those partialities can be contemporary in nature. The subjective and collective meaning-making of oral histories, which have implications for how we understand the past, can also reveal important revelations about the present or more recent past. Posts in “Traversing Temporalities” emphasize critical reflections on queer and trans* oral histories beyond the scope of their focus in time, shifting analysis to the multiple meanings that arise out of historical research and community archiving. Contributions can address methodologies, adaptations, reflections, theoretical interventions, and other burgeoning questions relating to queer and trans* oral histories. Interdisciplinary approaches from academics, activists, artists, and community members are welcome.
If interested, please submit a 150-word proposal and biography with relevant links to Elio Colavito: mia.colavito@mail.utoronto.ca by February 28, 2022.
Successful applicants will receive a $200 CAD honorarium.